Well what a difference two days make. After the ups and downs of Monday’s raid I was determined to actually kick a bit of heavier duty butt for the reset on Wednesday.
Spurred on my Tess and Larisa’s success in Ulduar hard modes the other raid leaders and I thought it was time to do some hard mode ass kicking on 10 man. So we assembled a likely group of volunteers for the evening and sallied forth.
We warmed up by one shotting VOA 10 man and our shadow priest got some nice t9 legs and had a try at Heroic TOC 10 man.
This didn’t go so well to be honest as the two healers were me as a druid and our Holy priest and we couldn’t afford more to keep the DPS level up and running. Really we struggled as I think healer wise this fight is made for a pally main tank healer with the super Bacon of Light and us two as raid healer types were having a tough job keeping the tanks up as well as dealing with the raid fireballs and snowbolds that were flying about.
So we decided to make ourselves felt better (and get some gear/ badges) by one shotting Onyxia on 10 man and then coming back and clearing TOC10 on normal.
I landed a nice dps ring for my Boomkin offset as all our spell throwers had it and some of the melee DPS got nice hear including our beloved and permanently grumpy enhancement Shammy who landed not one but two level 232 weapons off the last boss which were a two tier upgrade for him!
After this with two hours left on the raid and somewhat buoyed up by our trashing of the normal raids we headed for Ulduar to have a crack at some hard modes. We did FL with three towers up for a starter which we have done before.
Then we tried XT for the heartbreaker achievement BOOM! One shotted it we lost our lock mid way through but a quick battle rez by me got him in the fight again and XT was dead at our feet sans heart.
Quickly moving on we had a shot at Kologran and the with open arms achievement but missed it by a couple of seconds.
Then we finally with a bit of time remaining went on to Ayriaya and had a shot at doing the crazy cat lady achievement by killing her with both her kitties alive.
There were still the same two healers me as the tree and our redoubtable holy priest and our pally tanks research suggested this was basically the tanks getting the hell kicked out them due to the bleed debuff put on by the kitties.
He wasn’t kidding I was healing the kitty tank and by the end of it I had three hots running on the tank I was spamming nourish like mad and swiftmend whenever it was off CD and I still couldn’t keep up with the damage at the end. The tank finally succumbed to massive bleed and direct damage, me being next on the aggro due to smacking out 80% of my mana in about 30 seconds went next and then they eviscerated the holy priest. But Ayriaya had taken to much of a beating at this point and before the kitties could have the DPS for afters she dropped like a stone and we had the Crazy Cat Lady Achievement as well to round off the evening.
Next Stop Keepers hard modes for Monday!
Gratz Zet and a big hug! I'm so glad to hear this! :-D
Cheers! Let's inspire each other! :)
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