So last night we were oversubscribed with people for raiding so we pushed into 25 mans with a 23-24 person team and hit
Ulduar. Now we did well and got up to the keepers while killing
Onyxia in 25 man mode along the way.
As usual I was tree healing and I noticed something in my long absence from 25 mans. Healing was a LOT easier in 25 normal man than in 10 man.
In 10 man we have been running a lot of groups with two healers this generally means that as a healer you need to do a bit of everything tank healing, raid healing, self healing
ect ect. Also if one of you drops the ball generally it means the raid wipes or someone dies.
Mana becomes an issue during long fights and if you run out there is precious little time to get it back.
In 25 man we had five healers and there are a lot of people to cover each other. For example on the
Onyxia fight our pally healer
DCed due to the dreaded
AOE damage effects and was out for the whole fight. Now in 10 man with 2 healers this would have probably caused a wipe but we managed to get the big git down with 4 of us.
This has got me to thinking 25 mans are still seen as the think to get into. They give better rewards because they are supposedly harder. But in all truth where is the difficulty is it mainly in the organisation of a 25 man raid (i.e. its tougher to get 25 people together than 10 and sort out
DKP, , drama what to do
ect ect).
Because from a healers point of view the difficulty seems greater in 10 mans as there is no where to hide if you drop the ball everyone will know it as they will be looking at the wrong end of a mace in the face from whatever boss you are facing.
Admittedly the difficulty ramps up in 25 mans during hard mode but so does it in 10 man again as you need to drop healers for DPS to beat the hard timers.